ZYTO Wellness Reading
ZYTO scan to attain and continue with your wellness goals.
By using galvanic skin response (similar to a lie detector test) the ZYTO technology sends specific frequencies to your body and your body responds to that stimuli. The response to the stimuli is recorded and given a value which is categorized and charted. Through the use of this information your wellness goals can be realized. Read below for answers to questions you may have.
Who can benefit from a ZYTO scan?
Anyone taking the initiative to maintain or regain their own wellness can gain benefit from a ZYTO scan. It can be frustrating when you look for answers about why your body feels a certain way and you cannot find any. The reports generated by the ZYTO scan can help guide choices supporting the wellness of you and your whole family.
What can I expect to learn from a ZYTO scan?
As mentioned, the multiple reports that the ZYTO scan produces from your body's response to stimuli can give you understanding as to why your body reacts negatively to the things you eat, use, or your environment. Once you have more information that is specific to your body you can make more proper choices about your wellness.
I'm not like everyone else; will the ZYTO scan still work for me?
We are all unique, which makes your wellness a very specific thing to maintain. The ZYTO scan is a very specific tool that only records direct responses from your body. So every ZYTO scan takes a snapshot of that moment in time of your body that will be reviewed with some additional information to help aid you on supplement choices to streamline your wellness decisions.
The ZYTO scan sounds costly; how much is it?
On the contrary, what is expensive is losing time that could be spent on your wellness. You spend money on things that your body doesn't need or of a lesser quality which costs you more in the long run. Your initial ZYTO scan costs $175.00 and includes a wellness consultation with Julie Buelow RN. Julie takes time to interpret the reports and puts them in a way that you can create the most benefit for your wellness. Follow-up ZYTO scans are $125.00 and Julie will compare scans and help you gain the most understanding from the data.
Can I work on specific wellness goals?
Absolutely. As stated earlier, everyone is unique and so is every ZYTO scan. Scans can be performed in very specific ways (ie. organ groups) or very broad ways (ie. overall wellness). When discussing your expectations for your ZYTO scan make sure to address specific areas of concern.
How often can I get a ZYTO scan done?
Depending on your specific situation, you can have a ZYTO scan done as frequently as one per month or as infrequently as once per year. Every person's needs are different and will be treated as such. Given your specific goals and or wellness challenges, upon completion of your first scan review it will be determined how frequently you would best benefit from follow-up scans.
Gain piece of mind for you and your loved ones.
We are the ones that make everyday decisions about our health and wellness. It can be overwhelming when you try and do something to better your wellness and it backfires leaving you defeated and without direction. In addition, most of you that are thinking of a ZYTO scan are not alone; you also take care of your whole family's wellness which can weigh on you negatively impacting your own health. By having a ZYTO scan done you can direct more of your energy toward what works to support your health and wellness and not what works against it. Knowledge is power and the ZYTO scan gives you knowledge of your own body. Now that's powerful!